Friday, October 13, 2006

M: So, God, if as you say we are on our own, does that mean that prayers fall on deaf ears?

G: Prayers. I tell you, 99% of all prayers are self serving. Help me with this, save me from that. But even when I get one that's noble enough to ask for world peace or such, I'm not generally inclined to do anything with it. Hey, if you want someone to stop child abuse, get off your knees and do something.

M: Are you suggesting that people take the law into their own hands?

G: No. If someone wants to act on their own and disobey the laws, they better not expect a better life on the other side of death for doing what they think is right. They'll have to deal with the punishment they get on Earth. I've got nothing waiting for them. Death, I'm afraid, is final.

M: That is going to be disconcerting for some.

G: Yeah, I think so. Anyone expecting to be greeted at some pearly gates by a cheerful St. Peter, or by dozens of virgins - I love that one - better sober up. Death is the end.

M: Really?

G: Absolutely. Let's talk about evolution for a moment. Most people with a grip on reality recognize that humans evolved from apes, which evolved from another mammal, which evolved from reptiles that evolved from even more ancient life forms, yet they seem to think that only humans have some life after death. What about worms and frogs? They took a different route in the evolutionary process. Does that mean they failed to evolve a path to the afterlife? No. They just die and decay. Unless there is either a place in heaven for a dead ant, then there's no logical place in heaven for a dead human.

Unless...unless there's some omnipotent God who drew a line in the sand and said that he who evolves beyond the point of self-consciousness gets a place in heaven. That would be me, and I'm breaking the bad news here. This is it. End of the road. Make the best of this life, because that's all you get. You die, you're dirt.

M: Dirt? That's harsh.

G: Yup. Do something with your life. You won't get another chance.


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