Sunday, October 22, 2006

M: So, God, given that I was raised a Christian, and this blog being written in English and attracting a mostly Christian reader, it's probably appropriate to discuss Christianity.

G: It's your blog, but get ready for the complaints.

M: We'll see, but it's not like I'm asking about Allah.

G: True. Christians aren't murderous in the face of critical discussion. So, what do you want to know?

M: Tell us about Christ. There's no real substantiation of his existence. Did he exist?

G: Christ? Sure he existed. We spoke on an occasion or two. He was really quite a nice young fellow, very charismatic.

M: But he isn't or wasn't your son?

G: No, no, he was the son of Joe and Mary. That Joe really doesn't get any respect. Sure they made him a saint, but did his claim to fame have to be that he was married to a virgin who gave birth? Get real. Mary was a real sweetheart and a bit of a prude, but she was no virgin, and Joe was no saint if you know what I mean. Do you really think he would have dragged her ass, pun intended, all the way to Bethlehem if he thought he wasn't responsible for knocking her up.

As for me, this is where I love to do my Bill Clinton imitation - I did not have sex with that woman! Heh, heh. I love doing that joke.

M: But Christianity's whole foundation is that Christ was your son. Does that make the whole religion a sham?

G: Not any more than any other religion as far as I'm concerned. Any religion that claims to have a monopoly on my attentions or my favor is deluding a lot of people. Any religion that presumes that they are better than any other is greatly mistaken. I hold no favorites. In fact, I don't even care all that much about who praises me or who holds me in the highest esteem. As I've told you, I'm just here to observe and be amused.

M: So the bible isn't the Word of God.

G: The bible is quite a accomplishment by a bunch of fiction writers. Oh, it has some foundation in reality, but for the most part it's a bunch of stories written to capture the imagination of their followers, some based on reality, some not.

Let's examine some of it. For starters, what about the beginning? These story writers didn't have a clue how it all began, so they made something up. Now that science has revealed, pretty accurately I'll have you know, how things began, it seems kind of inexplicable to me that more disbelievers didn't materialize when scientists showed their evidence. I guess some folks like to cling to their beliefs no matter what, eh?

Some other bits and pieces of the bible were really pretty thin on believability as well. There's Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt, the parting of the Red Sea, and Methuselah getting to the ripe age of 969. That guy really only got to be about 77 and had spent too much time in the sun, but he moved to a new neighborhood when he was about 70, so he started telling everyone that he was 962. They hadn't seen anyone live beyond about 50 so he looked like he could have been a couple hundred years old or more. But my point is that the bible is full of balderdash like that and yet people insist it is the true "Word of God." Again, get real, folks. Use your brains. You're not apes anymore.


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