Saturday, October 28, 2006

M: Can we talk about God's will?

G: D'you want to be in it? Heh, heh. Little joke.

M: You've got quite a sense of humor, don't you?

G: You bet. Just ask Moses. I had him and his bunch wandering the desert for 40 years. I kept giving him signs to follow. He passed through Gaza about a dozen times. He should have caught on when all my signs told him to turn left. Moses wasn't too bright, but he was a heck of a leader.

M: Let's get back on topic. People often talk about how things that happen, most often when that something is tragic or unfortunate, that it is God's will. Are you involved to determining people's fate?

G: We've been over this ground a few times already, but I guess you need to hear it again - no, I don't influence day to day events on Earth. What most people call God's will is just bad luck. Actually it's not so much bad luck as statistics. If kids do what kids do, like being extraordinarily careless, then stuff happens. Every day, some fool discharges a gun accidentally, messing with a dangerous loaded weapon. A bullet can go in any number of directions, but sometimes it goes where someone else is, and you have God's will. What you really have is statistics, and it's your turn.

Look, if you play with dangerous animals, like that Crocodile Hunter guy, your odds are a heck of a lot better that one day you're going to slip up and get killed. I marvel at how people made such a fuss about this guy's death, even going out and hunting down innocent sting rays to punish them for doing what comes naturally. If Evel Kneivel had tried to jump over the Grand Canyon and fell short, getting killed, would you blame the canyon?

Life is full of coincidences. I presume you think about your girlfriend pretty often, don't you? Of course you do. Now it's also true that your girlfriend calls you occasionally, right? Right. Now one time when you had just been thinking about your girlfrind, she calls you. Is it divine intervention? Or is it coincidence?

M: Coincidence, I guess.

G: Ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!


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